Tuesday 14 December 2010

3++ Week Day 7 - And Finally...

The ultimate cocktail to celebrate with, some sweet tasty action, hits like a freight train and is unashamedly a man's drink. I've had a lot of fun with these cocktails this week for you Kirby and the gang, I hope you've enjoyed them too!

If anyone has any requests from me and the gang, give me an email with the contents of your liquer cabinet and we'll see what we can shake up.

Sweet Manhattan #3++

Sweet Vemouth  2 Measures
Bourbon             2 Measures
Cointreau          1/2 Measure

In a boston/mixing glass filled with ice, pour the sweet vemouth and stir in ice for 20 seconds. Drain liquid, keeping the ice. Into the glass pour the bourbon and the Cointreau and stir again for another 20 seconds. Fine strain into a Old Fashioned glass over ice or into a chilled martini glass neat. Garnish with a cocktail cherry and an orange peel, squeezing the oils of the peel over the drink.

Love, Dave


  1. I was going to email you the other day about my liquor cabinet.... but I can't find your email addy... am I blind or is it well hidden?!?


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