Tuesday 5 October 2010

40k: 2k Warhost 1.2

Ahoyhoy folks. Based on yesterday's comments from you guys -which I'm very thankful for- here's the updated list. Do the same as yesterday.

Eldrad 210

Fire Dragons x5 80
Wave serpent 90`
T/l Shuriken Cannons 10
Chin Shuriken Cannon 10

Fire Dragons x5 80
Wave serpent 90`
T/l Shuriken Cannons 10
Chin Shuriken Cannon 10

Fire Dragons x5 80
Wave serpent 90`
T/l Shuriken Cannons 10
Chin Shuriken Cannon 10

Dire Avengers x5 60
Wave Serpent 90
Shuriken Cannons 10
Chin Shuriken Cannon 10

Dire Avengers x5 60
Wave Serpent 90
Shuriken Cannons 10
Chin Shuriken Cannon 10

Dire Avengers x5 60
Wave Serpent 90
Shuriken Cannons 10
Chin Shuriken Cannon 10

Dire Avengers x5 60

Vyper Squadron x2 90
Top Shuriken Cannon x2 10
Chin Shuriken Cannon x2 20

Vyper Squadron x2 90
Top Shuriken Cannon x2 10
Chin Shuriken Cannon x2 20

Fire Prism 115
Chin Shuriken Cannon 10

Fire Prism 115
Chin Shuriken Cannon 10

Falcon 115
Shuriken Cannon 5
Holofields 35

Love, Dave


  1. Perfect! I just think Spirit Stones are a must - but try it out and let me know how it goes :)

  2. Loads of shuriken spam here,plenty of scoring, not bad

    sadly the units you do have wont be doing alot ......

    Really not a fan of vypers at competative levels , they are 'free' kill points that cost too much.

    You would find it handy to have a couple of EML's on the davu serpents and on the falcon.

    prob suggest dropping one squadron of vypers and making the remaining one upto 3 vypers, then using the spare points to buy them EML's etc

  3. Looks good.

    Keep the vypers cheap, so you can use them for blocking and not worry about losing them. But I do agree, I'd probably split them up into 3x1. Their only job is to block stuff and if they're in position, immobilized won't hurt.

  4. Just realised my post was a little vague at the end there ,

    3 x 1 vypers yes

    however I ment to say that the EMLs were to be bought for some wave serpents not vypers as it seems to indicate.



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